• Annelies Scott Counselling [ASC] - Counselling , Talking Therapy, Psychotherapy - Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK.

What Is Counselling?

Counselling provides an opportunity to explore and understand your life, often with a view to helping the client make choices to improve their situation or feelings. Sometimes there are specific issues such as depression, anxiety or self-harm. In other cases, it is a more generalised feeling of being out of kilter with the world, or difficulties with relationships. Whatever the reasons for seeking counselling, the counsellor's job is to offer a non-judgmental space for exploration and an opportunity for the client to use the counselling relationship to seek a greater understanding of themselves and the world they are in.

Counselling can be long or short term, and I have experience in both. We would decide together what it is you feel you need, and review this regularly.

What Is Counselling Not?

Counsellors are not there to give advice, even if the client asks us to!  The counsellor has faith that the client knows themselves better than anyone else, and even when it doesn’t feel like it, they are best placed to know what is best for them. The counsellor is a skilled and non-judgmental facilitator, a guide in the client’s personal journey towards self-awareness and their own decision-making.